What do you dream about? What do you have on your wish list? What do you want more than anything else? For me it’s simple. I want to buy a house, finish school, have kids, eliminate my debt, buy a nicer car, have a better job in the legal field and travel when and where I want to and live ‘happily ever after’ with my husband – I guess they call that the “great American dream.” I don’t know about everyone else, but it sure is my dream right now.
I’m so close (within about a year’s time) but yet it feels so far away sometimes. It’s what I think about most of the time. It’s what gets me through the harder days, knowing that I’m almost there, that I’m working towards what I want and that I will have it sooner than later. I've already started looking at homes, floor plans, neighborhoods. I have a plan in place for our finances that should get us where we want to be by next year. I’m on track with school (well maybe not as quickly as I wanted, but Hey I’m gonna get there) and I’m really good at it. I know what kind of car I want – I just paid mine off and want a good two years without a car payment though. The financial plan will put us in a position to travel. My hubby and I have pretty decent communication most of the time on how to keep our relationship strong and happy. And kids…. well the jury (aka my hubby) is still out…. but at last talk it was stated “when we get out of the apartment we can discuss it” and that’s enough to get me by.
My dreams used to be a lot more “fantasy like” and extraordinary, but as I get older I want more practical things and I’ve learned that it doesn’t take much to make me happy. I just want what “everyone else” wants. So I’ll keep dreaming, keep working hard, and I’m sure it’ll be here before I know it. A year really isn’t that long anyway…..